We had Open House a few weeks ago and it was nice to meet their teachers. They are doing well in school and got all A's on their progress reports. Carrick is home sick today from school...not sure if it is a cold or allergies, but he was running a fever of 100, so I had him stay home and sleep.
We are going to see Bruce Hornsby on Sunday. The kids and I are excited. He is our favorite and his concerts are so enjoyable. Carrick will be sure to make a request list for Bruce...he'll play requests from the audience. Then he'll save them and put them on his website. I made a scrapbook layout of the last one he did.

On the crafty front, I have been teaching myself to knit. I really enjoy it and get a lot done while watching TV in the evening. So far I have done two scarves...now I have two more for Carrick and Cole. I have also been sewing Pjs for the boys. I completed one for Carrick and 1/2 for Cole. Need to finish up the bottoms on that one.
Nothing has been going on in the house department. Still have a pile of baseboard and trim sitting in the foyer (for the past 3 months) needing to be installed. We have a lot that needs to be finished outside before Winter. A little siding, fixing overhang, gutters, painting window trim, and outdoor furniture put away. Those are just the things that have to be done. There's plenty more in the queue that needs done too....
Gorgeous layout Cari!