This one is on the first day of school.
The last one is from our vacation to the Outer Banks. He stopped at the Grave Digger shop on the way home.
On other topics, we are still missing Millie. It seems strange not to see her sleeping in her usual places.
Mark is in Vegas on one of his twice yearly trips there. Wish I had the opportunity to go somewhere, but I can't since I have the feeling that I just can't dump the kids on someone and go have fun. The plan is for all of us to go in May of next year. The twins have been wanting to go for a long time since they don't remember the last time they were there (they were in the womb!) and Carrick wants to go back...he was there two or three times when he was little.
I have had no urge to do any work this week other than what I have to. I guess it's because of the passing of Mil and the dark weather. Blah.
Cole and Cade have a birthday party tonight with a Halloween theme. Tomorrow is Trick-or-Treating up in my parents' house. If you can believe it, we get no one at our house. The houses are so spread out and there aren't any kids too close by so I don't have to buy candy!
But up in my parents' neighborhood where I grew up, there are lots of houses and lots of Trick-or-Treaters. Hopefully the rain will stay away.