Finished my FIRST layout for the monthly Designing with Calendar for the month of May. Here it is...

I cannot believe how big the boys have gotten already. Time just flies. Weren't they just little babies last month? Speaking of scrapbooking, I saw the coolest idea in the latest issue of Simple Scrapbooks. Check it out here--A Guide to Life .
What a cool idea. I plan on doing something like this for my boys. Got the Maya Road album already in prepartion. Now I just have to come up with the things I want to pass on to them!
I have been on such a Bruce Hornsby kick recently. Don't know why. He's been one of my favorites forever. Valley Road was the very first CD I ever bought. Hope to see him this year on tour--if only he would be somewhere closer. If you ever get the chance to go to one of his concerts, GO! It is such an awesome experience. He never has a set list. The audience gives his suggestions by throwing up pieces of paper to the stage and sometimes he even invites the audience to come up on stage and dance along! I have been to about 4 or 5 of his concerts and they are always a great time.
The twins got to celebrate their birthdays today at preschool since they are during the summer time. I am glad they do this as I never got to celebrate my birthday at school since it is in August (Carrick will celebrate his at the end of the month at Kindergarten.)
Looking forward to the All*Star Race this weekend (GO KASEY) and I hope that we get lots done on the house and have time for fun too. Want to take the kids to a racing complex nearby that has kart racing. Anything to go fast!