... that it has been a while since I blogged. Days just seem to fly by!
Been working on the house outside. Got all the old shrub stumps and tree stumps pulled out around the house. Mark roto-tilled the whole front and got rid of all of those awful weeds and groundcover. Looks so much better. Got some flowers planted. Not where I wanted, but they had to go in the ground before they died. Have 6 more roses that have to be planted today before we go away for the weekend. That will get done tonight.
The kids had been driving me crazy with some of the really stupid things they had been doing. Really stupid. Especially after I had just got done telling them not to do it. Or things that common sense should tell them not to do. Have been a little better yesterday and today.
Mark is golfing today. I felt bad for him when he made the big mistake of scheduling to go to the race the same weekend as his 20th class reunion. But that was his mistake...but he made me feel like it was my fault...that I was making him go to the race. Well, we had spent all that money on tickets and I couldn't see missing the race just because he wanted to see a bunch of people that he will be seeing in two weeks at his Pig Roast. I guess I just don't understand. So, hopefully he won't be as much a pain since he gets to golf with some of them today (yes, the same ones he will golf with in two weeks) and go to a mixer at a bar in town tonight. Who knows.
We are going to the NASCAR race at Michigan this weekend. We went last year and had a fun time camping out and going to the races. We even got soaked on Sunday and Kasey won the rainout. We are going to both races this year, but the one in August will be an adult-only outing.
Still trying to get over this cold-allergy thing I have. Awful coughing and drainage. The Dr. prescribed a codine cough medicine. Hopefully it will help.
Above, the second LO I did for the month. Posted last week. Need to get on the third.